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Tema: [Hilo Oficial] Elite: Dangerous

  1. #31
    Piloto de Fórmula 1 Avatar de Hechi
    Vivo en

    Placa: Msi Z170AKrait - Procesador Intel Core i5 6600Kde @4,5 GHz
    - Ram 16GB G.skill - DDR4 -Trident Z - GPU: evga FTW 1080
    Playseats obutto - Logitech G27 &Thrustmater T500RS Mod Pololo - Fanatec Club Sport V2
    Oculus CV1

  2. #32
    Piloto de Fórmula 1 Avatar de Foxiol
    Vivo en
    Tarragona, España
    Asi juegan algunos utilizando Voice Attack junto con Elite: Dangerous:

    Recordar que dentro de un par de semanitas y tenemos la build 1.1 con misiones de tipo cooperativas.

    Dejo unas imagenes de un par de bases (una en construcción) y una fragata Imperial.

    "Vive y deja vivir"

  3. #33
    El puto Ecclestone Avatar de Tomy
    Vivo en
    Ponferrada (León)
    Wooooooooow, que pinta!.

    Enviado desde mi Sony Xperia Z3

    Entra aquí.

  4. #34
    Piloto de Fórmula Renault 3.5 Avatar de MiguelZ
    Vivo en
    Mola mucho esa voz para el voice atac. Lo malo es que las voces que hay en español suenan decentes pero no tan futuristas como esa. Ahora bien, la voz que parte la pana es la de GLaDOS

  5. #35
    Piloto de Fórmula 1 Avatar de Hechi
    Vivo en
    Añado papiroflexia :

    Para poder hacer vuestra nave en papel. Mañana yo lo imprimo.


    Placa: Msi Z170AKrait - Procesador Intel Core i5 6600Kde @4,5 GHz
    - Ram 16GB G.skill - DDR4 -Trident Z - GPU: evga FTW 1080
    Playseats obutto - Logitech G27 &Thrustmater T500RS Mod Pololo - Fanatec Club Sport V2
    Oculus CV1

  6. #36
    Piloto de Fórmula 1 Avatar de Foxiol
    Vivo en
    Tarragona, España
    Tim Wheatley nos muestra en un video la Beta de la version 1.1 solo abierta a los early backers.

    Han agregado el idioma Ruso y mejorado los que ya habían...en teoria los idiomas iran siendo agregados segun la cantidad de usuarios de cada lengua...el español debería estar al caer en próximas actualizaciones asi que no se desesperen que venir va a venir...una pena no ahora.

    Cosas muy buenas que me gustan es que han agregado clasificaciones para comprar cosas una vez estamos en la tienda dentro de una estacion (por ejemplo organizar las armas por tipo y clase para no tener que estar buscando entre todo lo que hay (antes estaba todo ordenado por el precio pero todos los elementos mezclados).

    Podemos seleccionar el tipo de estrella al que querramos viajar en el mapa galáctico, tambien ahora se pueden crear rutas de vuelo de hasta 1000 años luz (eso si hay que tener en cuenta que deberíamos comprar anteriormente un FSD que nos permita hacer saltos de mas de 10 años luz mínimo para asi poder ir de estrella a estrella, sino sería imposible llegar a algunos sistemas con menos de eso).

    Si nos olvidamos de pedir el permiso para entrar a una base siempre nos daban 30 segundos para salir sin ser destruidos...ahora se ha ampliado a 90 segundos para que naves mas grandes puedan enmendar el error que a veces por distraerse pasa. (me ha pasado 4 veces y hasta ahora me he salvado)

    A los planetas les han agregado una capa de nubes (a los que tienen la posibilidad de tener nubes) y una textura que muestra las luces vistas desde el espacio en los planetas habitados. (tener en cuenta que los planetas giran en órbitas y a su vez sobre su propio eje, dependiendo donde tenga o no iluminación es donde apareceran las luces obviamente)

    Luego lo malo es que aún no hay coop, o sea no hay misiones en las cuales por ejemplo deberíamos transportar 300 toneladas de cargamento entre 3 o mas personas (eso en teoría no venía en esta actualización...), lo que si han puesto son objetivos de la comunidad.
    Por ejemplo, en una base cualquiera de la que estemos aparecerá un boletin que nos pedira que llevemos comida a un sistema solar y/o base para acabar con el hambre. Estos nos compraran la comida a buen precio y a su vez hay como una especie de ranking el cual nos daría ciertas recompenzas si somos nosotros los que llevemos mas cantidad de comida a esa base (y esto se puede hacer de varias personas igualmente aunque con recompenzas independientes). Hay por ejemplo un plazo de 20 días y tantas horas para ésto con lo cual el mercado va a molar un poco más, y a su vez además de la recompenza nos dan descuentos en cosas que esa base tenga...si por ejemplo tiene metales nos daría un 5% de descuento en la compra...Si justo una base pide metales podremos obtener mas beneficios, lo cual mola.

    En el combate han cambiado algunas cosas en cuanto al balance, los misiles que quitaban casi toda la vida ahora les han rebajado el poder de destrucción (a mi casi me destrozan con uno dejandome al 13% de un solo tiro).

    Y hay mas cosas que a lo mejor no han integrado en la Beta para que la gente que hace videos no lo muestre...alguna nave que en teoría debería estar al caer...y otras cosas mas.

    Según Tim la actualización no es gran cosa pero agrega algo más y mejor cosas que ya estaban lo cual es bueno.

    "Vive y deja vivir"

  7. #37
    Piloto de Fórmula 1 Avatar de Foxiol
    Vivo en
    Tarragona, España
    Y asi como he puesto lo anterior agrego algo más aquí y aparte porque lo merece...

    En los foros de Elite Dangerous han dejado una nueva actualización de como va el desarrollo y han dicho que en Marzo finalmente llegará el modo "Wings" o como nosotros le decimos...EL COOPERATIVO DE LOS HUEVOS!. La primera semana de Marzo tendremos el parche 1.2 en beta y la segunda semana ya saldría la verson pública!

    Aquí el susodicho post: https://forums.frontier.co.uk/showth...72#post1710972

    PD: Un mes más de espera para poder jugar juntos propiamente...pero les digo algo...jueguen algo porque sin jugar no van a tener mejoras o una nave que sirva para hacer algo decente por lo menos.

    PD2 y agrego: Para la 1.2 además van a integrar un sistema de "micro-salto" en el cual por ejemplo en vez de saltar de un sol a otro cuando en realidad queremos ir a una base...ahora podríamos incluso seleccionar la base en ese sistema al que querramos ir y saltar directamente ahorrandonos el tiempo de viaje de cuando saltamos a otra estrella y luego hacer el viaje manualmente en supercrucero a la estación. (las mas lejanas a veces nos hacen viajar por 5 o 10 minutos reales)
    Última edición por Foxiol 05/02/2015 a las 20:12

    "Vive y deja vivir"

  8. #38
    Piloto de Fórmula 1 Avatar de Foxiol
    Vivo en
    Tarragona, España
    Se viene la nave mas grande que podremos pilotar y dejo aquí un art work de la misma.

    Se trata de la Core Dynamics Corvette:

    Como algo raro que pasa dentro del mundo de Elite y dentro del juego, hay una historia de un Robot que regenta un bar en una estación y que a lo largo de mas de 100 años ha obtenido el dinero para adquirir la estación entera llamada "Jaques Station".
    Además la ha ido mejorando (con motores y tal) y ahora la estación es móvil y esto quiere decir que en el boletin de noticias la estación irá apareciendo en distintos sistemas solares y es posible que la podramos encontrar al explorar o si estamos cerca y queremos ir a ella para visitarla.
    Otro dato curioso es que si por ejemplo encontramos la base y aparcamos en ella y ésta se va a otro sistema solar, entonces nos llevaría a nosotros con ella misma hacia donde sea que viaje. (imaginen que aparcamos la nave y nos salimos del juego...al otro día estaríamos en otro sitio distinto quien sabe)

    Jaques Station (estación movil en Elite Dangerous):

    Hay cosillas que estan pasando en el juego que no sabemos, por dar otro ejemplo todo el comercio afecta al crecimiento de las facciones o incluso de las propias bases, hay bases que se pueden hacer mas grandes o incluso se pueden crear otras nuevas y éstas se pueden incluso llegar a ver en su fase de creación si las encontramos en el camino.
    Luego esta el tema de la guerra que tambien afecta a quien controla las bases o incluso los sistemas solares...un día a lo mejor una base que era de la Federación pasa a manos del Imperio o vice versa.

    "Vive y deja vivir"

  9. #39
    Piloto de Fórmula 1 Avatar de Foxiol
    Vivo en
    Tarragona, España
    Nuevas explosiones con efecto de onda expansiva y demas, para la version 1.1 de Elite Dangerous que tendremos esta semana que viene.

    "Vive y deja vivir"

  10. #40
    Piloto de Fórmula 1 Avatar de Hechi
    Vivo en

    Placa: Msi Z170AKrait - Procesador Intel Core i5 6600Kde @4,5 GHz
    - Ram 16GB G.skill - DDR4 -Trident Z - GPU: evga FTW 1080
    Playseats obutto - Logitech G27 &Thrustmater T500RS Mod Pololo - Fanatec Club Sport V2
    Oculus CV1

  11. #41
    Piloto de Fórmula 1 Avatar de Hechi
    Vivo en

    Placa: Msi Z170AKrait - Procesador Intel Core i5 6600Kde @4,5 GHz
    - Ram 16GB G.skill - DDR4 -Trident Z - GPU: evga FTW 1080
    Playseats obutto - Logitech G27 &Thrustmater T500RS Mod Pololo - Fanatec Club Sport V2
    Oculus CV1

  12. #42
    Piloto de Fórmula 1 Avatar de Foxiol
    Vivo en
    Tarragona, España
    Dejo el changelog desde la Beta 1, 2 y 3 hasta el del lanzamiento de la versión 1.1 de Elite Dangerous:

    A destacar:

    -Objetivos de la comunidad con una especie de ranking (ejemplo si vamos a una base aparecerá en ella un mensaje que nor dirá que se estan muriendo de hambre ahí mismo o en otro sitio...si llevamos comida dentro de un plazo de tiempo a ser 20 días reales, y somos además el que mas ha "ayudado" nos daran una especie de bonus en lo que vendan en esa base...por ejemplo descuento en la venta de metales o algo así)

    -Se pueden hacer rutas de hasta 1000 años luz (para hacerse una idea desde el centro que seria nuestro sistema solar sólo hay vida en el juego hasta 1000 años luz de distancia...luego no hay mas IA´s...y si te encuentras con alguien es pura casualidad)

    -Detalles a los planetas como luces nocturnas en los que hay vida y ciudades, nubes mas detalladas y shaders mejorados en los planetas de gas gigantes.

    -Agregaron stickers de la federación y facciones.

    -Si por ejemplo como me pasa a mi ahora que estoy en una base y "perdida" donde soy el unico que hace comercio casi, si soy el mayor benefactor, otros jugadores podrán ver eso y me daría reconocimiento. (ademas como me ha pasado simplemente por comprar y vender tanto en una misma base ya soy amigo de esa base, si me atacan ahí se pueden despedir...)

    -Han agregado más detalles a los sistemas explorados en donde se compra la información de los sistemas.

    -Mejoras de sonido, nuevos sonidos (por ejemplo si hay una estacion en construcción hay sonidos de ambiente adecuado a lo que esta pasando, nuevos sonidos del boost de las naves y mas comandos de voz de nuestra computadora personal de la nave) y nueva música al explorar sistemas....Entre otras cosas muy guapas respecto a la calidad del sonido, canales, localización...etc.

    -Mejoras de estabilidad en los servidores y mucho mas. (es que ni he leído todo aún)

    Beta1 (éste es el que muestra TODOS los cambios y mejoras):


    - Community Goals added
    - Route planning extended to 1,000 ly
    - Russian language translations added
    - Add 'Discovered by' tag to system map - needs to be surfaced scanned
    - Fancy new gas giant shader
    - City lights on inhabited planets
    - Pilots Federation rank decals
    - Parallax shader for cloud layer on terrestrial planets
    - Add explored system details on the right hand side of the cartographics shop
    - Top benefactors support added to system map


    - Prevent shadow manager trying to unregister view nodes that it never registered
    - Fix a crash caused by systems with stations only orbiting non-habitable planets
    - In the safety checking of the start location, make sure the body we are trying to load at exists, if it doesn't start around the largest star instead
    - Prevent crash when generating star textures on low end hardware
    - Prevent crash in the targetting system
    - Fix possible crash entering capital ship scenarios
    - Fix file load hardlock
    - Fix potential crash in tutorials
    - Fix a crash where limpet's parent exists but not fully created
    - Don't crash when the AI looks up a ship state
    - Fix crash selecting decal in livery
    - Prevent softlock when a mission is progressing as a location transfer occurs


    - French and German translations updated
    - Fixed incorrect masses for C3 beam weapons
    - Added in LOD levels for the holographic guide markers on the landing pads. This should fix the issues with the guides vanishing randomly since
    there should always now be some mesh to render regardless of what LOD the parent hanger is set at
    - Fix AI issues at high frame rates
    - Ensure that bounty checks for correct faction
    - Some optimisations for performance is busy network conditions
    - Correctly scale companion stars with large in system map if they are children of a common centre of gravity
    - Optimise route planner
    - Skybox stars now know if they're in/behind a nebula and fade out accordingly
    - When an NPC kills the player, report any claimed bounties to the webserver so they can be cleared; clear relevant bounties on client
    - Fixes for some issues with docking computer:
    - Slow down when on final part of descent to pad, to avoid damage; if station is rotating the chosen speed has to be greater than the rotational
    velocity at the pad
    - Fix some issues on outposts with the chosen point above the pad being inside or too close to the bounding volume of the outpost
    - Allow NPCs to travel faster in the first stage of moving to an outpost
    - Ensure NPCs ignore outposts as obstacles when in final descent
    - Fixes to stop awkward ships like the Python from hovering over the pad while docking, because they aren't trying to get close enough
    - Improvements to getting NPCs to leave a crowded station when player is denied docking permission
    - Fix issues where 3D anaconda and Orca ship schematics clip parts of the UI
    - Prevent GUI colour rotation from affecting the galaxy map
    - Expanded news-item text can now scroll
    - Rebalanced shield strengths at different pip levels to make those levels useful
    - Fixed a random number 9 floating near Natural Fabrics commodity at Dobrovolski Station CM
    - Remove sparkles on asteroids when rendering to Oculus Rift, as they have been found uncomfortable for Rift users
    - Fix for movies not being rendered with the appropriate size when side-by-side rendering is enabled
    - Added a chevron to the landing pad schematics to help indicate the direction that a player's ship should be facing when docking
    - Rebalanced shield cells to take more power, have less ammo and cost more per unit than before
    - Lowered the ammo count and increased the cost per unit for Chaff Launcher
    - Added chevrons to pad schematics to indicate direction player should face when landing
    - Increased Federal capital ship heat relay health
    - As neutron stars have their radii saved in km, not Suns, use the black hole size method for them in the galaxy map
    - Added missing mass lock components to ships that needed it - such as the Imperial Clipper
    - Remove term 'medium' from Type 7 description to prevent players thinking it will land on a medium pad
    - Fixing some areas of the Coriolis' collision mesh including those which were causing some aiming issues with the station's defences
    - Correct consumed by string for Marine Equipment
    - Put exoplanets Kepler 438 b and 442 b into the correct star systems
    - Art and collision fixes for criminal outposts
    - Fix for the asteroids on the radar spinning too quickly
    - Tweaks to Prism system economy and faction
    - Fix for the mass-lock sphere visualisation not fading off when outside of the radar bounds
    - Art and collision fixes for commercial outposts
    - AI ships seem to sometimes be orienting incorrectly fixed
    - Tweaked flight model for Orca
    - Fix for number of steps in the orbit lines
    - NPCs shouldn't be able to use FSD with hardpoints deployed
    - Art and collision fixes for science outposts
    - Fixes for Galaxy Map searches:
    - Fixed it only accepting a lowercase character for 1 part of the search.
    - Also fixed it setting the final number in a name to 0
    - Fix the case of missing black hole effects when three are in a system and forces background stars to render when the visible distortion is very high
    - Fix the texture values on the mining laser heatsinks so that they don't colour pop when deploying
    - Fix the rare background brightness curve popping between low luminosity stars.
    - Add a 'planning route' graphic to cover the loading of the plot
    - Make sure that an AI follows a player into their session after an interdiction
    - Removed stray particle effect from beam laser muzzle - was never supposed to be there!
    - Realigned lens flares that were not in the right places on weapon muzzles
    - Weapon impacts improved
    - Weapon impacts on player improved- Explosion glitches fixed
    - Allowed supplemental devices to be used. They count as PCPads (for example independent throttles, custom control panels)
    - Fixes to Ammunition (cannon trails and empire laser bolt light inner range)
    - Toggle focus mode never reaches right panel fixed
    - Fixed incorrect size limits on the sensors of the Imperial Clipper
    - Lowered speed, manoeuvrability and shield strength on Python
    - When rendering planets set a shader parameter for the planet's radius. This allows shaders to produce consistent results when rendering in miniature
    form in the system map
    - Fix Terrestrial_Volcanic planets not showing their schematic
    - Atmosphere shader optimisations
    - Removed stray muzzle particle effects from pulse lasers
    - Changes for various backer names stations
    - Added Supersampling menu options
    - Removed collisions from station doors to fix an issue of some ships crashing while docking
    - Drive lens flares should now stay within sane brightness values
    - Fix for the galaxy map not responding to changing options
    - Add the Repairable component to several modules that otherwise couldn't be repaired by AFM modules. Discovery scanners, Detail scanners and
    Thrusters are all now repairable in the field
    - Fix some missing system descriptions
    - Collision damage update:
    - Damage is now calculated at both ends and each apply half, it should no longer be possible for one party to miraculously escape undamaged from
    a collision
    - Changed the mass/velocity to damage calculation, it should now be more consistent and harder to damage large ships with small ones, even at
    high speed
    - Store whether the system map was entered from galaxy map or cockpit, and invoke appropriate transition out back to the previous state
    - Notice when route finder fails to find a route and replace the progress spinner with unavailable route text
    - When generating scenarios that lie outside the containment area of their body, update the address to be relative to the correct parent (the same one ships will use if they drop into those scenarios). Most noticable when unable to stay in nav beacon scenarios near a close binary pair of stars
    - Implement sort by Mass, Power Draw and Name for outfitting items
    - Star temperature used for driving colours clamped to sensible range based on Harvard and Yerkes classification
    - Interdiction can be a Crime
    - Extended the hitcheck out to included the Fed Fighter's engines
    - Extended the hitcheck out to include the Federal capital ship's main engines
    - Shadow fixes for various ships
    - Headlights balanced. Now slightly more useful in an asteroid field. Larger ships with larger lights have stronger beams
    - NPC chatter line added when police interdict a player
    - Don't just consider combat rank when determining AI rank
    - Stop AI miners from mining empty space
    - Fix 'nearby bounty' so it include local minor factions
    - Dumbfire missiles can now be shot down by PD weapons
    - Allow axis input to control scanner zoom level
    - Have different combat bond values for each ship type
    - Performance improvement for galaxy map after route has been generated
    - Put Cygni X-1 Black hole in the right location
    - Improved light behaviour on station exterior
    - Eagle art fixes
    - Automated turret fire shouldn’t aggro non-hostile ships
    - Make AI use turrets correctly, and ignore the default
    - Fix the barrels on guns spanning back to the identity position when they stop spinning
    - When the player accidentally hits an AI ship damage is accumulated. If a threshold is exceeded (by multiple hits or a powerful weapon like a rail-run), the ship turns hostile. The AI ship will "forget" the damage before it turns hostile:
    1) if the AI ship recharges its shield to 100%.
    2) if a (currently 30 sec) timer runs out.
    - Make the system apply to stations as well.
    - Large lateral thrusters now have settings consistent with small and medium thrusters. Balanced lighting and fade in/out durations
    - Federal Fighter art fixes
    - If a ship is scanned by the police and they discover that it has a bounty, don't turn the station hostile, just get the police to attack
    - It's possible that players could get docking offences stuck on even when they were no longer causing offence now fixed
    - When AI ships are starting docked don't do the hyperspace-in effect
    - Fixed the incorrect engine stats so they give the appropriate benefit
    - When a large planet is converted into a star, clamp the spin speed so that it cant spin too fast as planets and stars follow different rules
    - Fix generated system name mismatch that was causing missions to fail
    - Use localised faction names in the galaxy map
    - Station menu now shows the local major faction rather than the system major faction
    - Fix for star lens flares appearing through planets
    - Fix floating station names and text on station surfaces
    - Sort the commodity screen trade data drop-down menu alphabetically
    - Decreased damage modifier from for missile weapons against shields
    - Lowered hardness piercing stat on explosive missiles to make them less effective against larger ships
    - Prevent cargo duplication
    - Allowing gravitational distortion effects around white dwarves and neutron stars
    - Fixed light range on the class2_B retro drives so that it doesn't light up the Adder cockpit, also moved the lens flare offset so it's actually visible
    - Tweak Python collision to make cargo scooping a bit easier
    - Decal colouration fix for the Viper's Mercenary paintjob
    - Fix some artifacts when close to the surface as the position of the vertices changes with different levels of tessellation
    - Heat generated from weapons fire is now increased based on how empty the weapon cooling system is
    - Shield cells generate heat while charging
    - Abort the docking process if the station becomes hostile during it
    - Clear boost state when docked
    - Don't scan if the advanced scanner module is disabled
    - Landing pad numbers now consistently numbered front-to-back then clockwise in stations (in other words, bones 0 and 12 swapped over, so that pads 1 and 13 are now in their correct places). Also checked Outposts and fixed pad numbers there too, so that the medium pad is always the highest pad number
    - Balancing pass on Plasma Point Defence
    - Balancing pass on dumbfire weapons
    - Rebalanced heat gain in certain weapons (Beam laser, Missile Rack, ECM, Chaff, Plasma Accelerator, Pulse Laser)
    - Supercruise lens flares now smaller when close to them
    - More detail and softer/more subtle sun rays in star lens flare
    - Fix the landing gear disappearing when retracted on the Eagle, which leaves a hole in the ship
    - Rebalanced boost heat amounts as they were all set to 10 when that was only appropriate for the sidewinder
    - Add starport to BU 741
    - Increased ammo for the top range shield cell banks slightly
    - New improved torpedo explosion effect
    - "Seeking Luxuries" Rarer in boom states
    - Improve AI behaviour if they get trapped in station structures
    - Turreted weapons Set to Target Only will no longer fail to fire if you aim at a subsystem
    - Point defense turrets can no longer cause aggro or commit crimes on your behalf
    - Turrets will now check if their line of sight is blocked before firing, should drastically reduce accidentaly hits
    - Turret weapons set to Target Only will now obey the correct range limit and not waste ammo when out of range
    - Added in interdiction chatter lines
    - Federal Dropship art fixes
    - Turn on the aim-blocked checking for all weapons set in a Fire at Will or Target only mode
    - Up the rate of damage the python receives from overheating
    - Increase the timer before dishing out a bounty for trepassing in a station to 90 seconds from 30. People in big heavy ships should be able to avoid being killed for that mistake
    - Refraction particles now only visible when FX quality setting is set to high
    - Spark and most debris particles now disabled in low FX quality setting.
    - Added star class filter to the galaxy map
    - Prevent infinite stream of pirates in extraction zones
    - Set up Distance Based Lodding for explosions
    - Added a new "ultra" shadow quality, a replacement "medium" with one extra cascade, and replaced the existing "low" with the old "medium"
    - "California Sector IR-W D1-26" no longer requires non-existent permits to visit
    - Increase player arrival distance in capital ship scenarios
    - Fix when you had confirmation window that your group had been created where was no focus on it
    - Fix when you attempted to disband your group but chosen "cancel" in confirmation window for this action you'd have disband button still greyed out
    - Attacking ships wanted by the local jurisdiction doesn't necessarily incur the rep hit
    - Fix where the message log would say you've claimed a ship's local bounty when you didn't because you haven't basic-scanned it
    - Ice planets optimised and improved visually
    - Tweaks for hanger cameras for various ships
    - Pending states in the system status panel dissapear after viewing and then viewing a faction that does not have a pending state fixed
    - Players cannot press "B" on an xbox pad to exit the commodities market while the "galactic average" tab is highlighted fixed
    - Exiting game during combat has an infinite spinning 0 timer icon at the end of the countdown fixed
    - Tweaks to reduce stuttering around planets caused by surface texture generation
    - Optimisations for particle effect management
    - Reduced the glow scale on the medium thrusters so they don't clip through the ships
    - Added some extra logging to track down voice comms issues
    - When you target a sub-target of a ship, the sub-target GUI displays incorrectly
    - Show stored ships in the correct locations
    - Rename the duplicate 12 Aquarii system to Bentonio
    - Adjusted shadow max frustum distances up a little so that high/ultra settings manage to encompass station during drop from supercruise
    - All ships now rebalanced to work with new gui lighting set up. Emergency lights and chair lighting have been standardised across ships
    - The UI focus mode toggle button closes the chat pane if you wait a few seconds when it is selected fixed
    - Make low influence minor factions able to generate missions at a comparable rate to influential minor factions
    - Atmosphere colour and intensity tweaked for gas giants and reduced saturation of neon atmospheres
    - Fix a mistake in the English version of the description for type II gas giants, it had been replaced by the description for type III gas giants
    - Fixed searching for stations, it now correctly cycles between all systems that contain a station with that name
    - Also fixed searching using generated system names so that it only matches systems that have that name, rather than also matching to authored systems
    - Reputation in the mission summary screen now includes the contribution from the major faction
    - Restored missing Founders World permits from some Commanders who have reached the rank of Elite in Combat, Trading or Exploration
    - Fix a bug stopping newly created Commanders' names from appearing in the Comms Panel during the first few minutes of their career


    - Under construction station has dedicated ambience and spot sound effects.
    - Renamed dynamic range modes and further tweaked the volume curves, please keep providing us with feedback as we’re still working on improving these.
    - Added a new BOOST dynamic range mode that is intended to offer a good compromise between industry standard reference volume (normal) and louder mixed games.
    - Centre channel is now used for some positional audio such as other ships, cockpit blowout, GUI etc.
    - Improved audio on Docking Bay Lifts and panels.
    - New music added to Exploration.
    - “Power Plant Capacity exceeded” - voice and sfx warnings added.
    - Support for muting "Engage" ship voice alert.
    - New audio for the “First to Discover” notification.
    - Landing gear audio re-implemented: now matches each ships’ deploy and stow animation.


    - Additional audio for when entering Supercruise/Hyperspace.
    - Supercruise engines and music now interact much nicer.
    - Improved feedback of engine/masslock in supercruise.
    - Brought back the hyperspace tunnel flybys and detail sounds, with new implementation. Previously removed to fix render issues.
    - Balanced boost stress noises.
    - Cockpit blowout sequence remixed to fix clipping.
    - Mixpass on docking sequence audio.
    - Remixed force field audio for when using larger ships or flying at lower speed, to fix clipping issues.
    - Mixpass on hardpoint stow and deploy animations.
    - Increased volume of cargo bay door opening, when launching drones.
    - Added more debris and shockwave content to Explosions.
    - Reduced fire-rate of the small multicannon to differentiate it from the medium one.
    - BeamLaser/PulseLaser on others will change according to energy capacity. Helps in identifying an opponent’s remaining power on weapons.
    - Unified volumes and fixed issues on Asp, Cobra, Orca, Empire Clipper, Python, Anaconda, Type6, Type 7 and Type 9.
    - Arrival music should be more audible now.
    - Mixpass on gui for consistent behaviour across various game areas.
    - Mixpass on the Station Menu ambiences.
    - Sounds for adding a Sensor or FSD Interdictor in outfitting.
    - Sell sound added to outfitting.
    - Station menu is positional now to follow head tracking movement.
    - Mixpass on Galaxy/System Map for consistent volume and effects.
    - Collision and Navigational warnings now better respond to distance and speed and will be more audible in dangerous situations.
    - Mixpass on cargo scoop gui.
    - More variation added when selling items in Stellar Cartography.
    - Galaxymap crossing of the grid is slightly more audible.
    - Galaxy and system map musical elements in ambiences are now controlled by music slider and sfx elements by sfx slider.


    - Fixed many performance and mixing issues.
    - Fixed bug that would cut off Exploration music prematurely.
    - Fixed clicks in Python assets.
    - Fixed an issue with reverbs in the stations.
    - Fixed a bug that would spam physics audio on friction, causing drop outs.
    - Fixed clicking in the multicannon.
    - Fixed clicking in the beam laser.
    - Fixed bug in system map on out-of-focus state always playing Jovian Gasgiant ambience.
    - Fixed in game music playing during the menus instead of menu music in some situations.
    - Fixed medium turreted beam lasers from not stopping correctly.
    - Fixed a bug that would double fade the stellar ambiences.
    - Fixed several ship voice related bugs.
    - Fixed missing Jovian Planet Ambiences in system map.
    - Fixed hard-panning of Python engines when wearing headphones.

    Beta 2:


    - Fix crash in outfitting when items aren't ready for use
    - Prevent crash with bad data in ship state
    - Avoid crash when calculating the star light curve near a black hole
    - Don't reactivate dormant bounties/fines when attacking wanted targets
    - Updated localisation strings for all languages
    - Fix an issue with joysticks axises bound to headlook would mask the axis for pitch and roll when headlook was active
    - Fixed mission summary screen major faction icon formatting
    - Made community goal 'Sign Up' option easier to find
    - Fixed some incorrect station prototypes
    - Add text strings for station construction prototypes
    - Simplify exploration data purchase a bit, and fix finance bug when player has >2^32 credits
    - Implemented explored system details on the right hand side of the cartographic shop (and pop up box work)
    - Remove seeking luxuries for now
    - Fix some cannon ammos in some loadouts that had incorrect ammo item names
    - Fix the medium missile rack firing backwards
    - Audio – Tentative fix for audio break up near starports
    - Audio – Fix for shooting debris with beam lasers causing audio break up
    - Audio – fix for very loud station arrival music
    - Audio – Fixed the alert sound that hangs in supercruise
    - Audio – fix for stuttering multi-cannon issue
    - Audio – fix for very loud ambience in system map
    - Audio – Fix for player ships not having reverb in starports
    - Audio – fixed planet and ship flybys in supercruise causing clipping


    - Fix server crash accessing star information
    - Advertise Community Goals in the news feed to everybody in that star system

    Beta 3:

    Client Changes:

    - Prevent F12 crashing the game with certain third party software
    - Fix landing pad holograms from disappearing during environment map capture
    - Fix FSD charge sequence being silent after returning from the galaxy map
    - The credit value displayed on the Cartography congratulations screen is too close to the system name fixed
    - On the First Founder Congratulation sceen only the bonus is displayed and not the total value that you get fixed
    - Prevent fragments of the battlecruiser floating in space before the ship arrives
    - Move test for roaming station

    Server Changes:

    - Add support for the Crimson Eagle paint job for owners of the Mercenary Edition
    - Sorted out the difference between founders and backers decals
    - Fix the first discovered by bonus when selling exploration data from scanning supermassive bodies
    - Fix some commodities not being available for sale from markets run by minor factions with different laws to those that control the starsytem


    - Hot fix applied to server to address issues not being able to sell exploration data, some player deaths not being registered correctly and some crimes not being commited

    Lanzamiento 1.1 al público:

    Client Changes:

    - Don't crash if hyperspacing and the ship no longer exists
    - Don't clear bounties from the player until resurrect; this means other clients know correct bounty amounts when the player's ship explodes
    - Reduce heat overspill from weapons
    - Tweaks to Python: it now has a higher max speed and improved boost speeds (to catch those pesky haulers). Also a minor improvement to it's pitch to keep it well above the Anaconda
    - Fixed: Controller 'Back' failed on Outfitting Sort Dropdown
    - Community initiatives: support an optional top rank of N players instead of 1
    - Fix rank icons on community challenges
    - Nicer string in community initiative dialog when no rewards available yet
    - Fix UI weirdness with community initiatives on bulletin board
    - Fed Dropship cockpit geometry was offset in the model file, cockpit has now been placed back in the centre
    - Raised health of broadside guns for Fed Capital
    - Optimisations to landing pad which should help with distortions inside stations
    - Change supersampling options to store multiplier rather than mode
    - Change graphics option screen to offer x0.75, x1.5 and x3.0 as well as the existing options
    - Fix for menu music being too quiet
    - Localisation text update

    "Vive y deja vivir"

  13. #43
    Piloto de Fórmula 1 Avatar de Foxiol
    Vivo en
    Tarragona, España
    Dejo unas imagenes y decir que luego del parche de ayer han aparecido un monton de problemas con el juego que a muchos (incluido a mi) no les han permitido jugar, o en el peor caso les han hecho perder naves y millones de creditos.

    El tema es que han agregado un sistema de impacto segun ellos "realista", que si por ejemplo si viajamos a 40m/s e impactamos contra otra nave, ambas recibirian daños importantes hasta incluso la destrucción...Algo ha pasado con los datos de impactos que cada pequeño choque resultaba en la pérdida total del escudo y la destrucción de la nave. Incluso al aparcar si lo hacemos muy fuerte impactando contra la superficie...adios. O al chocar con piezas de naves que flotan en el espacio.

    A mi esto me superó y casi que dejo de jugar el juego...porque con lo que cuesta ganar creditos y progresar (es lenta la progresión), ya uno tenía bastante con las interdicciones y los piratas o el riesgo de morir al intentar cazar piratas...Si encima agregan algo totalmente absurdo que es que directamente al tocar otra nave ya rebientas, es que no tiene sentido.

    En fin han lanzado 2 parches y en el último de hoy han corregido los errores (u horrores) de los impactos pero aún no se sabe hasta que punto...así que igual hay que tener mas cuidado con los impactos al pilotar.

    Luego han modificado el manejo de la energia de los motores (han cambiado los valores y nadie sabe el por qué...) y en muchos casos la gente se queda sin armamento porque no alcanza la energia del motor para que todo en la nave funcione y hay que hacer mas manejo de los consumos y tal. Un coñazo...pero en teoría ésto lo deberían modificar nuevamente o hay datos erroneos.

    En fin, tambien hay algunos problemas de sonido que tienen que solucionar y algunas cosas mas...No se por que han tocado cosas que ya funcionaban bien como estaban...en vez de agregar más, modifican sin el más minimo sentido.

    Dejo las fotos:

    "Vive y deja vivir"

  14. #44
    Piloto de Fórmula 1 Avatar de Foxiol
    Vivo en
    Tarragona, España
    Video muy guapo de Isinona (You Tuber) en donde vemos como caza con su Viper naves bastante mas grandes que el...incluso pierde pero da batalla.

    Luego hay un episodio brutal a la mitad del video en donde con otro tio que simplemente se encuentra atacando y persiguiendo al mismo tio que el, ambos se van en una busqueda de "Sol a Sol" (literalmente) tras el pirata.

    Al final aparece otro que contacta con el para ofrecerle un pago para matar a otro pirata. Lo brutal de esto es que el tio juega tan compenetrado que parece un bot, le ofrece un pago anticipado en materiales raros que tenía en su bodega (los deja a flote en el espacio) dandole como beneficios 136.000 creditos. Luego si lo mata (seguramente lo veremos en otros videos) éste tio le ofrece 5.000.000 de paga (supongo en materiales para vender en el mercado negro).

    Hay gente que juega por jugar y hay gente que juega al juego. Pasan cosas, el tema es dejar que pasen o buscarselo uno mismo.

    "Vive y deja vivir"

  15. #45
    Piloto de Fórmula 1 Avatar de Foxiol
    Vivo en
    Tarragona, España
    Para los que compramos la Mercenary Edition o la Legacy Edition (los que compraron anticipado con acceso a las versiones alfas), ya tenemos disponible en la pagina de la tienda el contenido adicional del juego que incluye: Banda sonora, Ringtones para el móvil, fondos de pantalla, salvapantallas y luego mas adelante sacaran el art book digital que aún estan haciendolo.

    Hay que ir a la web: www.elitedangerous.com loguearse y en la zona de "My downloadable products" veran todo lo que hay para bajar.

    "Vive y deja vivir"

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