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Tema: Tv plugin

  1. #1
    Piloto de Fórmula Renault 2.0 Avatar de Txus

    Tv plugin


    Download the last GR TV Plugin version

    I am glad to share the Plugin TV for rF2 I have been working on. The complete tool has been designed
    to provide support to race broadcasting and ingame drivers. This support consists of a set of customizable information
    overlay widgets and a camera/replay selection manager that can be remotely controlled by

    All widgets are autonomous, except the WeatherFull widget (Radar) that need a running Remove Console, as it is the console that collect/build the image and send it to the plugin via UDP.
    Any existing UI stay compatible with newer realease of the plugin. So you have all your time to add new widgets, and you don't need to rework your UI at each plugin delivery.

    REMINDER: No plugin is running when you replay a VCR file. This this plugin cannot be use to broadcast recorded race.

    1. Copy GRTvPlugin.dll (32bits) or GRTvPlugin_x64.dll (64bits) into /plugin folder of the rF2 folder where you want to install the plugin.
    2. Copy GRTvPlugin folder into /userdata/player folder. This folder contains the GRTvPlugin.ini file.
    3. Copy RemoteConsole.C# folder wherever you want. Although unnecessary, I would still recommend
    to put it into rF2 root or otherwise some people will forget where they had put it.

    It is not recommended to change default port numbers unless you know what you are doing.
    These values are defined in GRTvPlugin.ini file contained in GRTvPlugin.

    Standard port values are:

    • remote console listen on localhost:668
    • plugin listen on localhost:669

    TV plugin Customisation
    The tool is delivered with two UI:
    - Classic (Demo of all widgets) Default UI
    - Gt-Series (based on Blancpain)

    Edit "GRTvPlugin.ini" to specify which UI ini to use (to use the gt-series, uncomment its line and
    comment the other one)


    Widget list:

    • Driver Information
    • Driver Timing
    • Scrolling Banner (Realtime ranking) - ([C] to cycle categories)
    • Weather Panel
    • Session Information
    • UI Information (UI logo + version)
    • Overtake
    • Compare 3 Driver
    • Tower ([F] to cycle tower modes - [C] to cycle categories)
    • Speed Trap
    • Replay
    • Weather Full (Radar/Satellite image)
    • Cutting Line Gap - ([C] to cycle categories)
    • Fastest Lap
    • Winner

    Each widget UI is fully customizable (images, font, colors, positionning, etc...)
    Profiles allow you to hide some widget and move some other widgets (an UI can have several layouts)
    You can access the whole documentation and follow the evolution of the work by reading the
    "continuously updated" WIKI.

    Camera Control
    Use the num pad to look the driver at the given place - (shortcut fully customizable)

    Remote console

    - Drivers rank and status
    - Noticiable events and capability to replay them (3 min in past max - due to rF2 replay record duration
    limit - Don't forget to configure your rF2 game)
    - Widget managment (hide/show, cycle around modes, ...)

    Note: If you use it,like it and want/can, you can Donate to support.
    Thank you

    PS: Thanks to SPASKIS to have reworded this first post
    Última edición por Txus 09/11/2014 a las 12:22

  2. #2
    Piloto de Fórmula Renault 2.0 Avatar de Txus



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